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فرم DTS 65b ویرجینیا

دستورالعمل ها برای اداره و نظارت بر دوره آموزش و پرورش رانندگان آنلاین

از این فرم برای ارائه مربیان آموزش راننده با دستورالعمل های مدیریت و نظارت بر بررسی نهایی دوره آموزش راننده آنلاین استفاده کنید.

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Instructions for Administering and Monitoring the  
Online Driver’s Education Course  
Final Examination  
DTS 65B (10/14/2016)  
To provide driver training instructors with instructions for administering and monitoring the final examination of  
the Online Driver’s Education Course.  
Instructions: The monitoring Instructor must follow the instructions to prepare for administering and monitoring the online  
driver’s education course examination.  
At Least a Day Before the Examination:  
1. Print the list of students scheduled for testing.  
2. Set-up classroom to accommodate the number of students scheduled for testing.  
3. Check each computer to ensure they are working and have internet connection.  
4. Review the Online Driver's Education Monitoring Instructor Examination Script which must be read at the start of each  
Day of Examination:  
1. Introduce yourself to the students as the driver training school instructor that will be administering the examination.  
2. Verify student photo ID (DMV-issued learner's permit, DMV-issued identification card, school-issued identification card, valid  
passport or military identification).  
Note: If the student does not present an acceptable photo ID he/she will not be allowed to take the examination and  
must re-schedule examination for another day.  
Note: Verify proof of additional 90 minute Parent/Teen course. If the student does not have proof of completion of the  
90-minute Parent/Teen course, he/she cannot take the examination and must reschedule the test.  
3. Verify proof of completion of the Online Driver Education Course.  
4. Check Parental Consent for Online Driver's Education Examination form (DTS 62) against examination schedule to ensure  
student is scheduled for testing.  
5. Complete student information on Online Driver Education Examination Monitoring Record form (DTS 63) and sign-in time.  
6. Assign student to available computer.  
7. Instruct student to log into the driver training school's website and click on the logo for the online course he/she completed.  
8. Instructor must read the Online Driver Education Monitoring Instructor Examination Script (DTS 65) for each examination  
9. Instruct student to begin examination.  
Monitoring the Examination  
Once the examination begins, the monitoring Instructor should walk around classroom to observe students to ensure:  
1. All electronic devices have been put away.  
2. All study material have been removed from the desktop.  
3. Student remains on examination page and not toggle away from website.  
4. Student has continuous internet connection.  
5. There is no talking during the examination.  
6. Complies with examination procedures, if not, Instructor should cancel the examination and direct student to reschedule  
examination for another day.  
After the Examination  
1. If the student successfully passes, the curriculum vendor will mail the certificate of completion to the student.  
2. If the student fails, advise the student no certificate of completion will be issued and he/she must schedule another  
examination session.  
3. Instructor and all students must sign the Online Driver Education Examination Monitoring Record (DTS 63).  
4. The school must maintain a copy of the following documents in the student's file:  
Proof of completion of the Online Driver Education Course  
Parental Consent for Online Driver's Education Examination (DTS 62)  
Online Driver Education Examination Monitoring Record (DTS 63)