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Improve the quality of collected data with form field validation

Set up automatic verification of entered data before submitting the form.

Improve data quality
Use input validation to alert the user to errors and prevent incorrect data from being submitted.
Error-free collected data
No more wasting time on inaccurate data in answers. Set up text validation to verify phone numbers, emails, numeric values, and more.
Flexible and powerful
Combine multiple checks to create smart validation rules for important questions.
For each rule, you can assign a custom error message to notify your respondents in a more friendly and understandable way.
Detailed validation rules will ensure that the data sent by your respondents will be correctly understood and processed.

How to add response validation:

  1. Step 1
    Enable the Response validation option for the required question.
  2. Step 2
    Configure the type, rule, and arguments of the validation rule. You can also provide an error message.
  3. Step 3
    Add extra validation rules if necessary, and configure them accordingly. Clicking the Apply button will immediately add the new rules to the published form.

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