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Formulaire RDT 121 Instructions Virginie

AELE Instructions de déclaration trimestrielle d'impôt

Utilisez ces instructions pour remplir le formulaire TDR 121, Déclaration trimestrielle d'impôt de l'AELE. Les achats de kilométrages et de carburant pour vos véhicules admissibles à la taxe qui n'ont pas fait l'objet d'une inscription PAI peuvent être inclus dans la déclaration trimestrielle de l'IFTA.

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RDT 121 I (05/15/2021)  
Use these instructions to complete form RDT 121, IFTA Quarterly Tax Return. Distance and fuel purchases for your tax  
qualified motor vehicle(s) (QMV) that do not have apportioned IRP registration may be included on the IFTA Quarterly  
Tax Return.  
The Due Date for IFTA tax returns is the last day of the month immediately following the end of each tax period. If the  
last day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, the next business day is considered the due date.  
Returns must be postmarked on or before the due date. Returns not filed by the due date are delinquent. The penalty is  
$50.00 or 10% of the tax due, whichever is greater.  
You must maintain distance and fuel records for four (4) years from the filing date of the return and records  
must be made available to DMV upon request.  
1. Enter your Name and Address (if not preprinted). Correct  
preprinted information if there are errors. (Use a separate  
page, if needed.)  
Section 8 – Fuel Tax Calculation  
In Section 8, use a separate line to report each fuel type  
used in each IFTA jurisdiction. Use a separate line for  
surtax/surcharge if you traveled in Kentucky, Indiana or  
Virginia. When you report surtax/surcharge, enter “ST”  
followed by the fuel type code (for example, ST-G). If you  
need additional lines, use page two (2) of this return and  
additional sheets as needed. All negative numbers must  
be preceded by a minus sign (for example: -$13.92).  
2. Enter the Quarterly Reporting Period, Year and Due Date (if  
not preprinted). Report your operations for this period.  
3. Enter the VirginiaMCS Number (if not preprinted).  
4. Enter your IFTA account number (if not preprinted).  
5. Enter your Fleet Identifier (if not preprinted).  
8A. In Column 8A, enter the jurisdiction abbreviation. VA for  
Virginia is pre-printed on Lines 1 to 4. Refer to the Tax  
Rate Chart on the DMV website,  
IFTAtaxrates for the jurisdiction abbreviations.  
6. Check only one box.  
Check box 6A - If you did not operate QMVs in any IFTA  
jurisdiction, or  
Check 6B - if you operated in a jurisdiction where a  
distance exemption can be applied. Enter Jurisdiction and  
8B. In Column 8B, enter the fuel type code for the fuel used.  
8C through 8G, round numbers to the nearest whole number.  
Check the appropriate box in the Notice of Change  
Section if:  
this is an amended return - a change or addition to a  
return you have already filed (refile all information, not just  
additions), or  
you no longer operate on Virginia roadways and you are  
requesting that your account be closed and your license  
canceled. (you must either destroy all current year IFTA  
decals or return them to DMV with your return), or  
you are changing or correcting a name/address  
8C. In Column 8C, list the total distance traveled in each  
jurisdiction. Use a separate line for each fuel type.  
8D. In Column 8D, list the taxable distance for each jurisdiction.  
This is the total distance from Column 8C minus any  
distance paid for while traveling on a fuel tax trip permit in  
the jurisdiction or distance specifically exempted by the  
8E. In Column 8E, list the taxable gallons for each jurisdiction  
by dividing the numbers in Column 8D by the number in  
Section 7, Column D for the appropriate fuel type.  
Section 7 - Miles Per Gallon Calculation  
Note: Canadian liters and kilometers must be converted to  
gallons and miles. To convert:  
8F. In Column 8F, list the number of tax-paid gallons for each  
fuel type purchased at the pump in each IFTA jurisdiction  
or withdrawn from a tax-paid bulk storage tank. If you did  
not purchase fuel in a jurisdiction, enter zero (0). If you had  
no taxable distance in a jurisdiction, you cannot receive  
credit for any fuel purchases in that jurisdiction unless you  
operate under a temporary fuel tax trip permit.  
liters to gallons, divide the total liters by 3.785.  
kilometers to miles, divide the total kilometers by 1.6093  
7A. If you use fuel types other than the ones shown, use the  
abbreviation for the fuel shown in the Fuel Type Codes  
Reminder: Some IFTA jurisdictions do not collect fuel tax at  
the pump.  
7B. In Column 7B, enter the total distance traveled for each fuel  
type used in your operations. Round numbers to the nearest  
whole mile. Total miles include all distance in IFTA and non-  
IFTA jurisdictions and includes distance for vehicles traveling  
intrastate and trip permit miles.  
8G. In Column 8G list the net taxable gallons for each fuel type  
by jurisdiction by subtracting the number in Column 8F  
from the number in Column 8E. Enter the result (net  
taxable gallons) in Column 8G. If the result is a negative  
number, enter the number with a minus sign.  
7C. In Column 7C, enter the total gallons (for each fuel type) that  
you placed in all of your QMVs in all jurisdictions.  
Round numbers to the nearest whole gallon.  
8H. In Column 8H (Tax Rate), list the tax rate for each fuel type  
in each IFTA jurisdiction. Tax rates may be found on the  
7D. In Column 7D, for each fuel type, divide the number in  
Column 7B by the number in Column 7C. Round numbers to  
the nearest two (2) decimal places. If your MPG for any fuel  
type averages below 2.00 or above 12.00, attach a letter  
explaining why your vehicles receive a low or high MPG.  
8I. In Column 8I, list the tax or refund due for each jurisdiction.  
Multiply the number in Column 8G by the number in  
Column 8H. The amounts in Column 8I must be recorded  
in dollars and cents (for example: $12.41).  
RDT 121 I (05/15/2021) -- Page 2  
8J. In Column 8J, list the interest due for each amount owed if  
your tax return is late. The interest rate is variable and may  
change January 1st each year. Please visit the DMV website, and select the applicable  
tax quarter to display the interest rate. If Column 8I is a  
negative number, no tax or interest is due. To calculate the  
interest due, multiply the number in Column 8I by the interest  
rate then by the number of months late. The amounts in  
Column 8J must be recorded in dollars and cents (e.g.  
$1.58). A partial month is considered a full month when  
determining the number of months late. A refund amount  
(negative number in Column 8I) from one jurisdiction or fuel  
type cannot be used to offset interest due to another  
jurisdiction or for another fuel type.  
8L. NON IFTA DISTANCE: Enter the total distance traveled in all  
non-IFTA jurisdictions using diesel fuel on Line D, Column 8C.  
Enter the total distance traveled in all non-IFTA jurisdictions  
using gasoline on Line G, Column 8C.  
Enter the total gallons of diesel fuel that you placed in all of  
your QMVs in all non-IFTA jurisdictions on Line D, Column 8F.  
Enter the total gallons of gasoline that you placed in all of your  
qualified vehicles in all non- IFTA jurisdictions on Line G,  
Column 8F.  
If you operated vehicles in non-IFTA jurisdictions using any fuel  
types other than diesel or gasoline, enter the distance and  
gallons on a separate line in Section 8. Use a separate line for  
each fuel type and enter “Non-IFTA” in Column 8A.  
8M. For each page of the tax report, add the numbers in Columns  
8C, 8D, 8E, 8F, 8G, 8I, 8J, and 8K on each page of the tax  
return and enter the individual page totals on Line 8M on each  
8K. In Column 8K, add the numbers in Column 8I and Column 8J.  
SURTAX/SURCHARGE : Virginia, Kentucky and Indiana  
charge a surtax/surcharge. After calculating the tax for these  
jurisdictions, on the line below, calculate the surtax. The  
instructions which follow for calculating surtax/surcharge in  
Virginia for diesel fuel can be followed for all surtax  
8N. Add all of the subtotals on all additional pages of the return  
except for Page 1. Enter the results on Line 8N for Columns  
8C, 8D, 8E, 8F, 8G, 8I, 8J and 8K.  
Preprinted on Line 2 of Column 8A is the abbreviation for  
Virginia. On Line 2 of Column 8B is the abbreviation for the  
surtax for Virginia diesel fuel. Columns 8C and 8D on Line 2  
are not filled in since the total and taxable distance on which  
the surtax is computed have been calculated on the line  
8O. On Line 8O, enter the subtotals from Page 1 for Columns 8C,  
8D, 8E, 8F, 8G, 8I, 8J and 8K.  
8P. On Line 8P, add the subtotals on lines 8M, 8N and 8O for  
Columns 8C, 8D, 8E, 8F, 8G, 8I, 8J and 8K .  
8R. On Line 8R enter the late fee if applicable. If your return is not  
postmarked or received by DMV by the due date, or if you do  
not pay the total tax due by the due date, you must pay a late  
fee of $50.00 or 10 percent of the total tax due (Line 8P, Column  
8K), whichever is greater.  
In Column 8E, enter the taxable gallons on which the diesel  
surtax is required (this is the same number that you entered in  
Column 8E on Line 1).  
In Column 8F, enter a zero (0) since surtax/surcharge is not  
calculated or paid except on the IFTA tax return.  
If your return is not received or postmarked by the due date, but  
you do not owe any taxes (Line 8P, Column 8K is either zero or  
a negative number), you must still pay a late filing fee of $50.00.  
In Column 8G, enter the same number that you entered in  
Column 8E. Continue with Columns 8H through 8K following  
the same steps you used in completing Line 1 for Columns  
8H, 8I, and 8K.  
8S. For Line 8S (grand total due/refund) add the total on Line 8P,  
Column 8K, with the amount on Line 8R.  
In Column 8J, if your tax return is not postmarked or received  
by DMV by the due date (or if you do not pay the total tax due  
when you file your return), note the following to calculate  
interest due for fuel surtax.  
This is your Total Due. Remit this amount when you file your  
return. If Line 8S is a negative number, enter the number with a  
minus sign. This amount is the refund due.  
Payment Methods  
If you owe tax for this fuel type in this jurisdiction - (if the  
number in Column 8I on the previous line is a positive  
number), then calculate the interest due for fuel surtax on the  
number you entered in Column 8I on the surtax (ST) line.  
Payment may be made online at, or to the  
Motor Carrier IFTA/IRP Work Center.  
You may pay by check, money order, ACH Debit, credit card or  
E-Check. For a customer to be authorized for ACH debit, refer  
If you have a credit for this fuel type in this jurisdiction - (if the  
number in Column 8I on the previous line is a negative  
number), then add the number in Column 8I on the previous  
line with the number in Column 8I on the surtax line. If the  
result is a positive number, calculate the interest due in  
Column 8J for the fuel surtax/surcharge on the result: multiply  
the result by the interest rate then by the number of months  
late. If the result is a negative number, enter $0.00 in Column  
8J for fuel surtax interest.  
Important Note: If you are paying by electronic check from a  
commercial account with controlled disbursement, debit block,  
and/or account reconciliation, your bank will not accept the  
payment. If your bank fails to honor the payment, the Code of  
Virginia requires that a mandatory returned check fee of $85 if  
the check is $350 or less, or $50 +10% of the check amount if  
the check is greater than $350 be assessed for payments that  
are returned to the Department of Motor Vehicles. If your bank  
accounts are the type noted above, use an Automated Clearing  
House (ACH) payment method.  
For each IFTA jurisdiction which has a surtax/surcharge,  
follow the instructions above, substituting the applicable  
jurisdiction abbreviation and fuel type.  
When you have completed a separate line in Columns 8A  
through 8K for:  
You must complete all parts of the Certification. You are  
certifying that the return is true, correct and completed to the  
best of your knowledge.  
all fuel types used in all IFTA jurisdictions; and  
all surtax/surcharge fuels used.  
Continue to complete items 8L through 8S on your report.