Instrukcijos DTS Virdžinija
Online Driver Education Monitoring Instructor Examination Script
Naudokite šią formą, kad pateikti vairuotojų mokymo mokyklos instruktoriai su instrukcijomis, kaip stebėti galutinį egzaminą internete vairuotojų mokymo kursų.
DTS 65A (10/14/2016)
Virginia Driver Training
To provide the driver training school Instructors with instructions for monitoring the final examination for the
online driver education course.
Instructions: The monitoring Instructor must read the instructions to the students before starting the examination.
General Information:
1. You are here to take the final examination of the online driver education course.
2. No paper testing is allowed.
3. Be sure that you have signed the log sheet prior to taking this examination. Failure to sign the log sheet may result in
your not receiving credit for the course and final examination.
4. This is not an opened book examination.
5. Turn off and put away all other personal electronic devices.
6. Do not start the examination until you have been instructed to do so.
To Begin the Examination:
1. Login to the driver training school website where you registered for the online course.
2. Click on the logo of the online course you completed.
3. Locate the instructions for taking the final examination.
4. At the Instructor's prompt, you may begin the examination.
During the Examination:
1. There is to be no talking or disruption during the examination.
2. Once the examination has started, an Instructor will be moving around the classroom to monitor testing environment. If
you have any questions during the examination, you must raise your hand. Assistance will be given for technical
problems only.
3. You may use headphones to listen to the audio of examination questions and answers. Use the audio player to pause/
play, advance/replay, and control the volume of the audio.
4. Do not toggle away from the examination material.
5. If it is discovered that you toggled away from the examination material, your examination will be immediately cancelled
and you will have to schedule another examination session.
6. Once the examination begins, there will be no breaks or recess time.
After the Examination:
1. When you finish the examination, exit the examination screen and return to the desktop so that you can log off.
2. If you pass, the online vendor will mail you the certificate of completion as proof of your completion of the online driver
education curriculum.
3. If you fail, you will not receive a certificate of completion. You must schedule another examination session.
4. After the examination, you must sign the Online Driver Education Examination Monitoring Record (DTS 63).
5. Are there any questions?
6. You may begin.